
Diş Sağlığı Kliniği

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Endodonti, dişin iç yapısında bulunan sinirler ve dokular ile ilgilenen diş hekimliği dalıdır. Çürük, travma veya enfeksiyon gibi nedenlerle zarar gören dişlerin sağlığını korumak ve diş kaybını önlemek için endodontik tedaviler uygulanır. The most common endodontic treatment method is root canal treatment.

Endodontic Treatment Methods are as follows:

1. Root Canal Treatment

It is the process of cleaning the infected nerve tissue inside the tooth, disinfecting and filling the canals. Root canal treatment protects the natural tooth by preventing tooth extraction.

2. Apical Resection (Root Tip Surgery)

It is the surgical removal of part of the tooth root in teeth that do not heal after root canal treatment. Infected tissues are completely cleaned.

3. Revision Root Canal Treatment

Repeated root canal treatment for teeth that have previously undergone root canal treatment but failed. It helps to eliminate untreated infections.

4. Pulp Protection Treatments

These are treatments to protect the nerve tissue of the tooth. It is applied especially in young patients to preserve the vitality of the tooth.


- It protects the natural structure by treating the tooth without extraction.
- It relieves severe pain and tenderness.
- Prevents tooth loss by improving chewing functions.
- It prevents the spread of dental infections and supports overall oral health.


- Individuals experiencing severe pain due to deep caries
- Patients with dental infections or abscesses
- People who have damaged the nerve tissue of the tooth as a result of trauma
- Patients with dental problems requiring root canal treatment

Endodontic treatments offer long-term solutions by maintaining dental health. If you are experiencing severe toothache, sensitivity or signs of infection, contact us so that we can determine the most appropriate treatment for you.